Monday, June 21, 2010

The Greenest Place on Earth

Five days in Germany simply didn't feel like long enough, but alas, there were planes to catch. My flight to Cork, Ireland was the only one I've experienced thus far that wasn't absolutely packed, and I recognized some people speaking English! Well...sort of English. I was faintly aware that they were saying words I should understand, but the actual Irish accent is pretty darn thick. Smile and nod has been a good method for me in times like that.

Flying over the ocean and then a small part of Ireland confirmed that (at least from the sky) the country is almost entirely green, spotted with a few houses here and there. Leaving the airport, I was greeted by what may have been the world's friendliest taxi driver. He gave me a brief history of the country, pointed out major landmarks and places to avoid. My toll was probably about 2 Euro more expensive because he needed to tell me about the transition of his family farm from horses to tractors when he was a boy.

I arrived at my apartment and met my landlord, who is a really lovely lady named Brig. She started talking about a mile a minute ( all I could really understand was "love" , "dearie") but she showed me my room and the rest of the place. I actually got the biggest room and a bathroom all to myself. Oh, and I have SIX male roommates. I was expecting the worst but they are all perfectly nice, and they even do their dishes! There are two others from the USA. Preston is from Salt Lake City, Utah and Matt is from Northern California. Thomas is from Dublin, and Lucas is from China. Lastly, Victor is originally from Nigeria and Kie Zen is from Malaysia. Obviously a pretty diverse group, but we've had a lot of fun. This part of the blog will be a little more detailed since I'll be in Ireland for three months, but I'll make sure to have plenty of pictures!

The River Lee. This is taken on a bridge I cross on my way to work.

Tyndall National Institue. I work here!
home sweet home =]

This is my view from my front door.

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